If you don’t have the website you can still Make Money by creating content for popular site. Do check the revenue share in sites FAQs.
Hubpages.com – 60% revenue is shared with you for your content. (Our Favorite)
HubPages is an open community of passionate people—writers, explorers,
knowledge seekers, conversation starters. Interacting and informing.
Sharing words, pictures and videos. Asking questions. Finding answers.
It’s a rich and rewarding experience with a unique set of tools and
resources to help Hubbers find and build an audience, easily create
articles, and earn all sorts of rewards, from accolades to ad revenue
Cracked.com – start sharing your content (videos,images etc) to make money.
If you are a funny/smart/creative person, Cracked.com is the single best opportunity you will ever come across in your life.
No experience necessary. We will pay you if it’s good. You talk directly to the editors — no form letter rejections.
Postloop.com – you can make money by sharing your content here on this website.