PayPal How to get PayPal Product and Sandbox down service status notification MarkMarch 2, 20211 So you have integrated your business with PayPal but still wondering how to get the service status...
Tech Help TrustPilot Customer Invite for review jimmy jFebruary 15, 20210 We hope you were aware of following notification from TrustPilot. On April 21, 2021, we’ll retire the...
Classic ASP How to Enable Parent paths in classic ASP jimmy jJanuary 12, 20210 What is Parent PathsError CodesSolution What is Parent paths? Classic ASP Parent Paths let developers use...
Tech Help List of countries where YouTube Partner Program is available jimmy jJanuary 7, 20210 You can sign up for the YouTube Partner Program and earn in the following countries: Algeria American... How to get .NET framework using registry value MarkJanuary 7, 20210 You can check the version of .NET Framework (4.5 and later) installed on a machine is listed in the registry... How to get the .NET Framework Version and ASP.NET Version MarkJanuary 7, 20210 .NET Framework consists of two main components, which are versioned separately: A set of assemblies, which are...
Tech Help Lets Encrypt – authorization token is not available – Plesk MarkJanuary 5, 20210 Are you getting the following error while installing Let's Encrypt SSL. Error: Could not issue a Let's Encrypt...
News Google doc and spreadsheet is down TimDecember 14, 20200 It is rare to see google docs and spreadsheet to go down. But today it has been more then 10 min the service is...
News Insecure redirect warning Mozilla and Chrome TimDecember 14, 20200 So you have the Secure website with SSL but you have some redirects which are posting data on insecure URL. Then you...
News Important policy changes for Google Account storage – GMAIL GoogleDrive jimmy jDecember 8, 20200 Dear Google User, We are writing to let you know that we recently announced new storage policies for Google...