Tech Help How to increase page speed at Google insights – Proof MarkSeptember 18, 20201 So you all are trying get good page speed on but do you know...
Tech Help .htaccess force SSL redirect of TLD or Subdomain MarkSeptember 18, 20200 If you want to apply a force SSL redirects of top-level domains with www only, Use the following...
Azure Excel driver on Azure Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 error – Solution MarkSeptember 16, 20200 If you are trying use the Excel Driver provided with Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable Click here...
Make Money Online Make Money by Taking Online Survey -ValuedOpinions-co-in – Picture Proof by a Diamond Member MarkSeptember 15, 20200 Do you want to earn money for some FlipKart and Amazon Gift Card? if yes this is is the place...
MS SQL Server How to find and remove Orphan database users on SQL Server 2019 MarkSeptember 11, 20200 Orphan users come along when you restore the database from one server to different. provide a small security risk...
IIS Application Pool Queue in IIS Change Queue Length for Classic ASP and .Net Application MarkSeptember 7, 20200 Application Pool Queue in the IIS has the default value of 1000. Application pool queueing takes place whenever IIS is...
IIS Changing MaxConcurrentRequests in window 2019 for .Net version 2.0 3.5 4.0 MarkSeptember 7, 20200 When Application (application Pool) is running in Integrated mode on IIS 7.0 or later you can change it. By default it...
PayPal Error Code 10400 PayPal Express Checkout MarkAugust 27, 20190 Is everything working well before and suddenly the express checkout stopped working then check for below. Did you...
Payment Gateways Jaguar launched in-car payments using Apple Pay and PayPal MarkJune 14, 20190 The feature requires installation of the Shell app to make the payments possible, but it’ll show up on your...
PayPal Paypal Integration Web Skills Test – Online Certification MarkJune 14, 20190 ExpertRating online Paypal Integration for Web Skills Test. ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2008 company that offers...