Tech Help Facebook New bug make your post Public instead of private jimmy jJune 13, 20190 As per the press release by FaceBook due to a latest bug the post which you intended for your friends only have become...
Tech Help How to STOP Sending HTTP Referer Headers from Your Website jimmy jJune 13, 20190 Use any of the following method to stop Sending HTTP Referer Headers from Your Website to a website you are...
Tech Help AMP requirement Tutorial and TESTING jimmy jJune 13, 20190 AMP requirement Tutorial and TESTING Always start with boilerplate codeUse a localhost preview; MAMP...
Tech Help Cannot modify header information PHP error jimmy jJune 13, 20190 If you are getting following warning and redirecting is not working then use the following function or remove all echo...
Tech Help TLS 1.2 Security Protocol Support with different NET framework version jimmy jJune 13, 20190 .Net 4.6 and above -You don’t need to do any additional work to support TLS 1.2, it’s supported by...
Tech Help Free Online SSL Checker – CSR Decoder – Certificate Decoder and SSL Converter jimmy jJune 13, 20190 Use the following links to CHECK your SSl, Decode CSR or SSL certificate. You can also convert your SSL. SSL Server...
Tech Help Server.CreateObject Create error 8007045a jimmy jJune 13, 20190 If it was working fine before Check the required permission on your application pool. Try to locate any other...
Tech Help CJ Event ID Tracking – GDPR and Apple ITP 2.0 jimmy jJune 13, 20190 CJ Affiliate's tag tracking utilizes both our tagging and a third-party cookie to support attribution and reporting...
Tech Help Required HTTP security headers – HTTP Response Headers Vulnerability jimmy jJune 13, 20190 The following are some of the Required Security Headers which you should enable in your web application. Click...
Tech Help Social Networks – Video Sharing Platforms – Messaging – Blogs websites list jimmy jJune 13, 20190 Social Networks Sina Weibo snapchat instagram google twitter RenRen linkedIn Foursquare Mixi Pinterest Video...