Azure Change TIME zone for AZURE APP Service jimmy jSeptember 15, 20200 It is to change the TIME zone for AZURE app Service. You just need to add a setting named “WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE”...
Classic ASP TimeZoneInformation – Any time zone to IST conversion Classic ASP jimmy jSeptember 15, 20200 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation Windows server registry key and its field...
MS SQL Server How to find and remove Orphan database users on SQL Server 2019 MarkSeptember 11, 20200 Orphan users come along when you restore the database from one server to different. provide a small security risk...
Windows Top Performance monitor top for a .Net application – Window 2019 server jimmy jSeptember 10, 20200 Processor % Processor Time - Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends...
MS SQL Server MS Sql Query to list the size of Table sqlauthority vs stackoverflow jimmy jSeptember 8, 20200 When you see an unexceptional growth of your SQL server Database file Size you might wonder why is this happening. So...
IIS Application Pool Queue in IIS Change Queue Length for Classic ASP and .Net Application MarkSeptember 7, 20200 Application Pool Queue in the IIS has the default value of 1000. Application pool queueing takes place whenever IIS is...
IIS Changing MaxConcurrentRequests in window 2019 for .Net version 2.0 3.5 4.0 MarkSeptember 7, 20200 When Application (application Pool) is running in Integrated mode on IIS 7.0 or later you can change it. By default it...
IIS 500 error code on Image and css files IIS 10 CCSkart@789October 15, 20190 500 error code on Image and css files IIS 10 If you recently migrated to IIS 10 from IIS7 and you are getting 500...
IIS How to add and disable Classic ASP support in a website CCSkart@789September 17, 20190 How to remove classic ASP handler Want to remove Classic ASP support from your website, follows the steps 1....
IIS HTTP Errors and web.config Lock Violation jimmy jJune 13, 20190 HTTP Errors and web.config Lock Violation Following are the steps...