Stripe payment gateway error code list

Below is a list of common error codes that you may encounter when using the Stripe payment platform:

  1. card_declined: The card has been declined for the transaction. This could be due to insufficient funds, an expired card, or other reasons. You should advise the user to use a different card or contact their bank.
  2. invalid_request_error: The request to the Stripe API is invalid. This can occur due to missing or incorrect parameters. Check your API request and ensure that it is properly formatted and includes all required fields.
  3. api_connection_error: There was an error connecting to the Stripe API. This could be a temporary issue, so you should retry the request after a short delay. If the problem persists, check your network connection and ensure that you can reach the Stripe API servers.
  4. authentication_error: There was an issue with the authentication credentials used to access the Stripe API. Double-check your API keys and ensure that they are correctly configured.
  5. rate_limit_error: The request has exceeded the rate limit allowed by Stripe. This can occur if you are making too many API requests in a short period. You should adjust your request frequency to stay within the rate limits defined by Stripe.
  6. invalid_api_key: The API key used for authentication is invalid. Make sure you are using a valid API key for the Stripe account you intend to access.
  7. payment_intent_unexpected_state: The payment intent is in an unexpected state. This can happen if you try to perform an action on a payment intent that is not allowed at its current stage. Review the status of the payment intent and ensure that you are performing the correct action for its state.
  8. invalid_request_error: The request to the Stripe API is invalid. This can occur due to missing or incorrect parameters. Check your API request and ensure that it is properly formatted and includes all required fields.
  9. customer_not_found: The customer specified for the operation was not found in Stripe. Double-check the customer ID and ensure that it exists in your Stripe account.
  10. invalid_card_number: The provided card number is invalid. Verify that the card number is entered correctly and matches the expected format.

These are just a few examples of the error codes you may encounter with Stripe. Refer to the Stripe API documentation for a comprehensive list of error codes and their descriptions, as well as troubleshooting guidance for each error.

Click here to see all error code

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