How to Create Your CSR on Windows Server

To create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on a Windows Server, you can use the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on your server.
  • You can typically find it under “Windows Administrative Tools” in the Start menu.
  1. Select your server node in the Connections pane.
  2. In the center pane, double-click on “Server Certificates.”
  3. In the Actions pane on the right-hand side, click on “Create Certificate Request.”
  4. The “Request Certificate” wizard will open. Fill in the following information:
  • Common Name (CN): The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the website or server for which you are requesting the certificate (e.g.,
  • Organization: The legal name of your organization.
  • Organizational Unit: The department or division within your organization.
  • City/locality, State/province, and Country/region: The location information for your organization.
  • Cryptographic Service Provider: Leave the default value (Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider).
  • Bit Length: Choose the desired key length (e.g., 2048 bits).
  • Friendly Name: Optionally, provide a friendly name for the certificate.
  1. Click “Next” to continue.
  2. Choose a file name and location to save the CSR file.
  3. Click “Finish” to generate the CSR file.
  4. Open the generated CSR file with a text editor, such as Notepad.
  5. Copy the entire content of the CSR, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST tags.
  6. Submit the CSR to a Certificate Authority (CA) to obtain a signed certificate. This can typically be done through the CA’s website or by providing them with the CSR file.

Once you have obtained the signed certificate from the CA, you can complete the certificate request process in IIS by importing the certificate using the “Complete Certificate Request” option in the IIS Manager.

Note: Ensure that you keep the private key associated with the CSR secure, as it is essential for installing the signed certificate later.

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